Market Sectors
Viddle is for everyone and has been built with community safety in mind. Our workflows provide the general public with maximum transparency during the post-incident activities. Anyone can sign up to Viddle for free, report a non-emergency safety or security incident and collaborate with the investigator to bring the case to a successful close.
Unlike ‘one way’ supply of information requests limited to file uploads, you are empowered to create a case file for a government or corporate investigating agency registered with Viddle. Even after you create the case, you can continue to add information to case file online. This can include video, images, documents and secondary statements to support the investigation.
Conveniently, there is no face-to-face time required to exchange information or actively assist in the investigation. All necessary interactions and communications can be performed online with Viddle. Viddle’s smart workflows are designed to provide an intuitive collaboration platform with an unreputable audit log of user actions.

Law Enforcement & Government
Additional advantages of Viddle for law enforcement includes:
Direct, auditable communication between agencies.
Eliminating the potential loss of evidence.
Reduced time to retrieve information by negating the need for physical collection of information.
Reduce time in transferring information between hard drives, CD or USB.
Minimal disruption to the flow of the investigation as agency requests to businesses are easily performed on a co-use platform.

Viddle is a secure and efficient way of transferring digital information between law enforcement agencies, businesses and community members. These agencies include State and Federal law enforcement organisations, interior government ministries and Commonwealth agencies that collaborate in case management.
Viddle, allows law enforcement agencies to request information related to their investigations directly from external agents and the community. Digital information exchange is performed using Amazon S3 which is accredited to store up to PROTECTED. This provides assurance around the transmission and receipt of documents containing sensitive information and CCTV footage from corporate industries, agencies and community members.
Local Government
Local government councils own and operate a variety of community facilities in the built environment, such as parklands, town halls, community centres, recreational and leisure centres and many others.
Many incidents that impact local government assets occur do not require a police response, but need reporting to the council community safety department and appropriate follow up by community rangers or facilities maintenance.
Some typical local government workflows that Viddle facilitates are:
Post-incident follow up by local council workers, rangers and parking inspectors, such as property damage, illegal parking, domestic animal rescue and care and rubbish control.
Direct reporting from community members to local government.
Transfer of evidence to local government parks and rangers for continued case management.

Universities & Colleges
Useful workflows that Viddle provides in a campus environment are:
Student or staff incident reporting including a full detailed witness statement fit for legal proceedings or a quick incident report.
Information requests by campus security from students or staff, to assist with an investigation where an incident could not be closed immediately after dispatch response.
Sharing incident information with any third party that is a stakeholder or collaborator, such as law enforcement, insurance firms, lawyers or other.

The safety of students and staff in a campus environment is not only paramount, but essential to fostering an attractive educational environment. However, universities and colleges are not immune to incidents that require a dispatch response and follow-up investigation activities to ensure offences are not repeated.
Some incidents on campus are wholly managed in-house by campus security, while other require collaboration with law enforcement and other third parties to bring a case to a satisfactory closure over an extended period of time.
This is where Viddle is here to help - by empowering student, staff, campus security and any other involved party to exchange information and evidence in a structured and auditable manner.

Insurance claims and investigations require a high volume of data transfer between those parties involved, including the claimant, insurance agency, contracted investigators, forensic accountants, police and regulatory authorities.
Viddle provides a common platform for all parties to securely share evidentiary documentation and multimedia files based on a transactional relationship between the investigator and interested parties.
All files are associated with a requisition, and each requisition is linked to a Viddle case, which can only be accessed by the primary investigator and authorised corroborators.
This provides full auditability around who requested what piece of information and when it was provided, a key advantage over traditional file sharing applications which typically only provide time stamping.
Major shopping centres and malls experience safety and security incidents virtually on a daily basis due to a variety of factors such as heavy pedestrian footfall, back of house operations like stock deliveries and unloading, and generally diverse demographics in a closed space. However, maintaining a positive customer experience is paramount to all retail and F&B outlets.
Viddle is an ideal solution for facilities management and shopping centre operations. It makes available all the features of wider community incident reporting, case management and electronic evidence transfer, to shopping centre security supervisors and facilities staff.
In the shopping / retail / mall context, Viddle enhances post-incident operations by providing:
Easier notification of suspect persons or suspicious behaviour to shopping centre security.
Facilities management workflows to facilitate call outs and repairs in response to engineering hazards.
Confirming contact tracing information with suspect COVID infections.

Shopping Centres and Malls
These are just some ways Viddle is changing the ways incident, evidence and case management are done.
Find out how we can improve your post-incident management processes.